Please remember to always spay and neuter!
Thanks to all these great sponsors, we went from THIS!
- The Greene Family
- The Zerner Family
- Martha F. Cannon Trust
- Leonard X. Bosack & Bette M. Kruger Charitable Foundation
- Lumber City Hardware
- Winnelson & Winlectric
- Flatwater Hunting & Trophy
- Security State Bank
- Green Hope Farms
- Russell L. Clark Attorney at Law
- The Merritt Family
- Toni's House of Style
- McRae Business Machines
- Jones Sanders Building Supply
Slide the arrows left to right to see the before and after images of our clinic

Making a Difference
In the small town of McRae, Georgia, there is a group of animal saviors striving to make a real difference in the number of homeless and unwanted animals running the streets of south Georgia. Barbara Bruigom, president and founder of The Rescue Ranch rallies a team of dedicated volunteers and highly skilled veterinarians with the common goal of "nearly nothing" spay & neuter fees!
The Clinic
The Zerner-Stone Spay and Neuter Clinic is named in honor of it's two greatest supporters, Bonnie Stone-Greene and Kate and Stan Zerner.
The clinic has made low cost sterilization possible. Spaying and neutering is the single most effective way to end the tragedy of pet overpopulation. We have all experienced driving by a starving or abandoned animal with the feeling of "that poor thing" and felt the desire to do something. Now you can! Start by having your family pet fixed. Then spread the word about this affordable offer to others.
How to Help
The clinic is always in need of funds so any and all donations would be wisely utilized and greatly appreciated.
For more information, call 855-2B-FIXED and leave your name, number, & brief message for a return call to schedule an appointment for sterilization. No walk-ins are accepted. For your pet's wellness checks, illness, or emergencies you still need to go to YOUR vet.
Call to make your appointment today!
phone: 229-868-9820
toll free: 855-2B-FIXED
email: therescueranch [at]