Barbie’s Bytes

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From the desk of the president/founder. Noted wildlife/nature photographer – here are some of her pics & stories.
June 15, 2020
A cat is playing with a toy in the kitchen.

Utterly Fetching Felines!

It’s no wonder that cat lovers find their furry friends to be utterly fetching. They are completely charming and adorable at all ages. Cats come in a multitude of colors, shapes, sizes and most importantly personalities. Even the most cantankerous of cats still puts on the charm as the occasion […]
March 12, 2007
A cat laying on its back with it's head up.

Wonderful Discoveries

I recently discovered Equine & Animal Wellness through your March/April Equine issue. I would like to share with you the events of our home so you may fully understand why it’s been a wonderful discovery. I hope you will also share this with your readers and everyone please understand while […]